- Opis
A tidy channel strip based on 1:1 code ports of the original Weiss DS1-MK3 and EQ1 units
Created in partnership with—and officially licensed by—Weiss Engineering
With special features such as below-threshold compression
It’s here. One of the most highly requested components for Console 1 makes its debut. Introducing the Weiss Gambit Series for Console 1. A painstaking extraction of the top features from two of the most admired digital processors, Weiss DS1-MK3 and Weiss EQ1—plus characteristic extras—the result is the clean, sharp channel strip engineers everywhere have been waiting for.
Joining a storied slew of offerings in the successful partnership of Softube and Weiss Engineering, Weiss Gambit Series gives you the algorithms of the originals. But it also sports exclusive, high-end features such as below-threshold compression. Weiss Gambit Series channel strip for Console 1: created for mastering, now tailor-made for mixing.
Alliance to Inspire
Another refreshingly new product brought to you in partnership with Weiss Engineering.
A Meticulous Melding
A strict, 1:1 code port combining the best of Weiss DS1-MK3 and Weiss EQ1 into a singular channel strip.
Sometimes you need color and other times you want to preserve the integrity of your original content. The 1:1 porting in the Weiss Gambit Series gives you the cleanest shaping, EQ, and compression available, with the tactile control of Console 1. Whether used in mastering or mixing, this channel strip will provide you the surgical tools to control your material so that you keep it clean and pristine.
New Sensations
The Weiss Gambit Series channel strip gives Console 1 users an entirely new way to play. Combined with other channel strips in the Console 1 ecosystem, Gambit Series gives sonically rich returns on investment. Deploy the SSL 4000 strip on the close mics of a drum kit and the Zener-Bender strip on the overheads and room mics. Drop the Weiss Gambit Series strip on the drum bus, utilizing some of that unique below-threshold compression to expose the details and tones between the hits. Then sit back and savor the sound.
The Measure of Mastering
The apex of mastering units since its launch in the 1990s, Weiss DS1-MK3 is an indispensable tool in studios around the world. Unrivaled versatility and incomparable sound quality have made it an essential ingredient in nearly every major record of the past two decades. While Weiss’ updates and improvements to DS1-MK3 have made it practically perfect, Softube + Weiss’s fully digital compressor/limiter/de-esser performs tasks that an analog unit couldn’t even dream of.
An Unequaled EQ
The renowned sonic qualities of Weiss Engineering’s EQ1—combined with its flexibility as either a Minimum Phase EQ, a Linear Phase EQ, or a Dynamic EQ—have made it the essential digital mastering equalizer since its release in 1996. The plug-in is a one-for-one, line-by-line code port of the original with state-of-the-art bonus features that give it increased functionality over the original algorithms, 32-bit / 192 kHz operation, and updated ergonomics.
Fringe Benefits
Softube’s exclusive partnership with Weiss Engineering comes with some pretty sweet perks. In creating the Gambit Series, we had the opportunity to work in collaboration with Daniel Weiss himself. Together we created features for the channel strip that make it a powerful mixing tool that can also be used for mastering. Features such as high/low pass filters, gate, expander, below-threshold compression, surgical equalizing, compressor, and limiter.
This Way Up
The most blow-your-mind component of the Gambit Series channel strip has to be below-threshold compression. As with any traditional compressor, above threshold refers to the dynamics processing for audio exceeding the set threshold. The below threshold, therefore, concerns the effect on the audio below the set threshold, as with a common gate or expander. So it follows that normal compression and expansion are called “above-threshold compression” and “below-threshold expansion." Gambit Series for Console 1 isn’t your everyday channel strip, though. It offers below-threshold compression and all the other gate, expander compression, and limiter features. Whoa, right?
Softube & Weiss: Meeting of the Minds
Weiss has been a pioneer in digital audio equipment design since 1979. That’s when Weiss founder, Daniel Weiss, joined Willi Studer AG in Switzerland as an engineer. In 1985, Weiss struck out on his own and founded Weiss Engineering with a focus on pioneering digital audio equipment for mastering studios. The result of that endeavor is now legend.
Softube’s relationship with Weiss started in 2008 when we were first introduced to Daniel Weiss. Despite having so many guiding principles in common, it wasn’t until 2015 that we got serious about working together. Three years—and some blood, sweat, and tears—later, the Softube + Weiss DS1-MK3 plug-in was unveiled to great fanfare. And the tradition continues.
In short:
Made for Console 1, our mixing ecosystem. Learn more about Console 1
A neat and clean channel strip based on 1:1 code ports of the Weiss DS1-MK3 and EQ1
Created in partnership with—and officially licensed by—Weiss Engineering
Fresh, new sound for the Console 1 ecosystem
Added functionality and features
Thoroughly unique below-threshold compression
A tailor-made for mixing channel strip for Console 1
Based on the algorithms of the Weiss DS1-MK3 and the Weiss EQ1
Improved functionality and features for the Console 1 workflow
High and Low-Cut filters from the Weiss EQ1
Gate, Expander and Below Threshold Compression in Shape section
4 Band EQ from the Weiss EQ1
Compressor from the Weiss DS1-MK3
Limiter from the Weiss DS1-MK3 with added modes from the Weiss MM-1.
System requirements:
Mac OS X 10.12 or newer (older OS versions may work but are not tested).
Windows 64-bit, versions 7, 8 or 10.
Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64 X2 or newer.
Screen resolution 1280x800 or larger.
8 GB RAM or more is recommended, as well as at least 8 GB hard disk space for installation (individual plug-ins take less space, while sample libraries may require additional disk space. Specific information available on each instrument's page).
Softube account.
iLok account.
Internet access for downloading installer and managing licenses.
iLok generation 2 and up, if you intend to use an iLok dongle for authorizing your plug-ins (note that an iLok dongle is not a requirement).
In theory, any 64-bit VST, VST3, AU, or AAX (11.0.2 or higher) compatible host application should work.
However, due to plug-in host differences between DAWs - and our own rigorous testing standards - we only officially test our plug-ins and instruments in the most recent versions of Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Cubase, Live, Studio One, Digital Performer, Reaper and Sonar. Softube plugins are not tested in the non-listed systems, but they most likely work as long as the system requirements are met. We cannot guarantee a solution for issues in unsupported systems.
Please Note: Softube plug-ins support 64-bit hosts only, and a 64-bit OS is required. Therefore, for example, Pro Tools 10.x is no longer supported (contact support for latest 32-bit compatible instalers).
Supported sample rates: 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4 and 192 kHz, in both mono and stereo.
The most recent maintenance release of the DAW application is recommended.
AAX DSP is not in active development, but older products still support AAX DSP. For legacy TDM/VENUE, please see the Legacy Installers page.
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O producencie Softube

Szwedzka marka Softube została założona w 2003 roku przez Oscar Öberga, Arvida Roséma, Niklasa Odelholma oraz Torstena Gatu. Firma składa się ze specjalistów, którzy są także pasjonatami muzyki, skupiają się oni na projektowaniu produktów, które dają nowy wymiar jakości dźwięku tworzonego na komputerze. Wszystkie rozwiązania Softube są intuicyjne, a zarazem i inspirujące, dlatego są one doceniane na całym świecie w tym przez artystów światowego formatu.
- Siedziba producenta: Szwecja
- Średnia ocena produktów: 5.0
- Liczba produktów: 8
- Liczba dostępnych produktów: 7