Uniwersalny przełącznik nożny do skrótów klawiaturowych i zmeniania stron.
Klawisze skrótów mogą być wygodne i oferują poprawę szybkości i wydajności- jeśli masz dodatkowe palce. Teraz możesz skupić ręce na zadaniu i wykonywać te polecenia stopą. Skorzystaj z aplikacji AirTurn Manager, aby łatwo zaprogramować swoje ulubione skróty lub skróty klawiszowe do programów Word, Excel, gier komputerowych, programów DAW i innych. Jest dostępny na komputery Mac, iOS i Android w sklepie Apple App Store lub Google Play. Pamiętaj, że w przypadku komputera PC, aby zmienić ustawienia, musisz najpierw połączyć się z telefonem lub tabletem.
Makra są przydatne, gdy trzeba powtórzyć frazę tekstową, umieścić wiersz kodu lub wykonać serię poleceń jednocześnie. Te wiersze tekstu, kodu lub poleceń można przekształcić w makro. Następnie makro można przypisać do przełącznika. Teraz możesz użyć stopy do tych powtarzalnych czynności!
Przewracaj strony, poruszaj się po utworach, transponuj klawisze, przełączaj ścieżki, wyzwalaj metronom, a nawet kontroluj efekty gitarowe / basowe / wzmacniacze. Wyposażony w ciche przełączniki i wysokiej jakości, formowaną obudowę, AirTurn QUAD 200 to wysokiej jakości czteroprzełącznikowy kontroler dla profesjonalistów i hobbystów. Korzystając z technologii kontaktronu i stworzonej z praktycznie niezniszczalnej mieszanki polimerów, każdy pedał wytrzymuje każdy przełącznik mechaniczny.
Transceiver posiada wewnętrzną baterię litową, która może być używana do 100 godzin w trybie gotowości. Łączy się bezprzewodowo z tabletem lub komputerem MAC / PC przez Bluetooth. Czarne pedały ATFS-2 są zbudowane z niemal niezniszczalnego poliwęglanu i posiadają zastrzeżony system "mechanism-free", zapewniający doskonałą cichą pracę.
Wiele aplikacji obsługuje QUAD!
Paczka zawiera:
- AirTurn Bluetooth Transceiver
- Cztery ciche pedały ATFS-2 zamontowane na tablicy pedałów
- Kabel USB do ładowania
- Waga: 2,8 lbs (1,27 kg)
Kompatybilne aplikacje
Best Page Turning Bluetooth Pedal
The AirTurn QUAD 200 began over a decade ago as a simple page-turner for sheet music readers. Today, it has become the best page-turner on the market due to its high-quality and long-lasting design. Featuring tactile, silent switches, the QUAD 200 is nearly indestructible. The QUAD 200 has a longer battery life, greater range, and faster connectivity than its competitors. Plus, it is completely customizable for keystrokes, shortcuts, switching types, MIDI, and so much more!
Depending on what app or software you choose, you can do more than turn pages. You can scroll lyrics and tabs, start and stop backtracks, metronomes, and much more.
The QUAD 200 is the professional choice for taking control of your tablet or computer.
Best Bluetooth Pedal for Silent Performance and Studio Recording
The AirTurn QUAD 200 is exceptional for intimate performances and studio recording, when silent operation is most important. Turn pages, cue backing tracks, layer effects, and more with little distraction from your performance!
Wireless Bluetooth Pedal for Multimedia Presentations and Teleprompters
Using a teleprompter has become a popular solution due to easy and affordable access to apps and tablets. However, controlling the scroll of the script remains a challenge. Using the AirTurn QUAD 200 with your teleprompter application, you can start and stop the script, even speed it up or slow it down!
Whatever your favorite presentation software, from Powerpoint to Keynote and more, you can keep your hands free and present with confidence. For a handheld option, the transmitter can be removed for a convenient handheld presentation remote.
For multimedia presentations, now you can control your slides, audio, and lighting with one pedal.
Universal Foot Switch for Keyboard Shortcuts and Macros
Shortcut keys can be convenient, and offer improvements in speed and performance if you have the extra fingers. Now, you can keep your hands focused on your task, and execute those commands with your foot. Use the AirTurn Manager app to easily program your favorite shortcuts or hotkeys for Word, Excel, PC games, DAWs, and more. It is available for Mac, iOS and Android in the Apple App store or Google Play store. Note that for a PC, you will need to first connect to your phone or tablet to change the settings.
Macros are helpful when you need to repeat a text phrase, place line of code, or execute a series of commands at once. These lines of text, code, or commands can be turned into a macro. Then, the macro can be assigned to a switch. Now, you can use your foot for these repetitive actions!
Complete with silent-tactile switches and a high-quality molded exterior, the AirTurn QUAD 200 is a premium four-switch controller for professionals and hobbyists. Using reed switch technology, and created from a virtually indestructible polymer blend, each pedal is made to outlast any mechanical switch.
- Endless Apps: Hundreds of compatible apps for turning pages, teleprompting, reading music, scrolling lyrics and tabs, triggering backing tracks and effects, sending MIDI commands, cueing audio and lighting, capturing photo and video, plus so much more!
- App Control: Seven built-in modes store switch commands that work with hundreds of apps including those supported with AirDirect.
- Customize: Create commands for almost any app that responds to keystrokes, macros, mouse clicks, or MIDI with the free AirTurn Manager. Adjust features such as Auto-Repeat, Idle Time, Low Power or Fast Response Mode, and Debounce. Select switch types such as Momentary, Latching, Pulse, or Command.
- Updates: AirTurn Manager supports Over-the-Air updates to firmware for the latest features.
- Silent-Tactile: Completely silent, tactile operation.
- Durable: Fully-enclosed, high-quality molded exterior with non-mechanical switches.
- Max Range: At 150+ feet, AirTurn leads the industry’s operating range.
- Max Battery Life: Rechargeable battery provides 150-200 hours of play time with a single charge, displays status indicators, and automatically turns off when the host device is turned off.
- Status Indicators: Bluetooth status LED. Low battery status LED.
- Flexible Use: Pedal board compatible with optional 9v supply.
- Pairing Options: Choose open pairing for instant connections when switching between devices. Choose closed pairing to store a single connection and prevent unintended connection to other devices.
- Multiple Devices: Connect up to eight AirTurn devices for more switch options.
- Compatibility: Works with devices that have Bluetooth 4 or higher.
- Warranty: Best-in-class 2-year warranty with product registration (includes battery).